
Sometimes I watch her from afar and wonder if she still knows of all the power she holds.

Ancestral rage

And it's everywhere, every day, for every women. I’ve read about it in history books, I’ve seen it in movies, tv shows, on the news and among influencers on the internet. I’ve watched it in real time, in real life, in my own family. I’ve watched it right in front of me in the form of a grown man that called himself my friend.


I actually do need closure. I require it most of the time, even. Like I must finish that book that I didn’t enjoy that much, because if I don’t, it’s not really over. And I need it to be over. I need to have the clearest view of something being over. Because even a shadow... Continue Reading →

Let’s get lost

I did feel the need urge to write in order to escape. To a happy place of my own creation. My lil’ world in a bubble somewhere far away from here. So I’m onto that!

A different kind of ex

No one talks about it. No one writes poetry or novels or music and no big director is creating movies about it. But it sure as hell hurts. Hurts like hell. Because there aren't many people you can go to when you’re having problems; let them be romantic, family-related or of any kind. Who do... Continue Reading →

In the heart of Italy – Vatican II

Nu degeaba am ales numele pentru blogul ăsta Writer's Block, că doar mă aflu mai mereu în starea asta, că nu am inspirația să leg nici două cuvinte încât să povestesc niște întâmplări la care am fost prezentă. (Scria Lavinia in noiembrie 2017, revenind la aceasta postare in august 2019). Dar, pe lângă starea asta... Continue Reading →

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